A building lived in…
is a building loved…
is a building lasting
(Brian Rich, 2014).
Future-proofing is the process of anticipating the future and developing methods of minimizing the negative effects while taking advantage of the positive effects of shocks and stresses due to future events. Future-proofing is a term that is used across the globe in multiple cultures and multiple industries. It has not, until now, been codified with a clear meaning in relation to cultural heritage or the historic built environment.
The Principles of Future-proofing have been developed as a broader definition of resilience. They include concepts of resilience, sustainable design and life cycle analysis, as well as addressing climate change and cultural heritage preservation. The intent is to develop a system of criteria which can be used as a design guide and evaluative tool for historic buildings. It is also applicable to many other aspects of our built environment, including historic districts, existing non-historic structures, new construction, urban design, and infrastructure.
This website conveys the current research and thinking about future-proofing as developed by Brian Rich. More about Brian Rich. Please feel free to contact Brian at info@principlesoffutureproofing.com if you are interested in learning more about Future-Proofing or using the contents of this website.
All website content and design is created and copyrighted by Brian D. Rich, 2017. All rights reserved.
Arctic Building, Brian D. Rich, Brian Rich, future-proof, future-proofing, futureproof, futureproofing, Keywords: future, LCA, life cycle analysis, Principles, proof, resiliency, resilient, resilient design, Richaven, Richaven PLLC, Richaven Sustainable Design, Richaven Sustainable Preservation, sustainable design, Walrus Heads